Welcome back White with One crafters.. I hope you are enjoying this lovely cooling weather here in Australia recently.. I know in central Qld we are having the lowest high temps during the day ever in recorded history..
This month at White With One we have been inspired by this to create layouts featuring an ICE colour.. We also have a fun mood board to use also if you wish..

This month at White With One we have been inspired by this to create layouts featuring an ICE colour.. We also have a fun mood board to use also if you wish..

White Christmas

This fun colour fits in well with a special photo of my boys in front of the Movie World arch for our very first White Christmas experience... This was an evening that totally blew us away and we had so much fun! Definitely something I'd love to continue doing to into the future with your boys and other friends / family too..
I added a white piece of cardstock on any angle and covered it with some gauze, a tag and loads of flowers..
I believe we should never be afraid to feature flowers on a male layout! This fun colour was perfect to capture the feeling of our first “White Christmas” Aussie style at Movie World.
What do you think?
Thank you very much for joining me today and I'm so excited to be able to share with you all the creations for the White With One challenge this month.
I really hope that you will drop by the blog and check out the inspiration from the rest of the team members and then get creative to link up your own entry TO OUR FACEBOOK PAGE!
Your imagination is your only limit.. Just add a dash of colour to your white layout..
Your imagination is your only limit.. Just add a dash of colour to your white layout..
Thanks again, Toni.. xoxo
Scrap Crazy @ Facebook -