

Monday, August 3, 2015

Boys Train - Double Sided Stepper Card

Boys will be Boys 

Double sided stepper card

For my second project for my recent Memory Maze DT post, I wanted to share something that my youngest son Hunter (5yrs old) had quite a creative input into. This is the first stepper style card I have done and honestly only made it  "just for fun". 

The base for the card was actually quite quick and I look forward to creating some girl themed ones with more detailed embellishments and techniques in the near future, and hopefully share those with you too.
Although we made a stepper card, I have great visions of this chipboard set being used in a Card In A Box style product also. 

But for now, I had fun with some Twinkling H2Os on the chipboard pieces. 
These are the pieces we used. 

This is a piece we were trying some different colouring combinations trials on. 

Thank you for visiting.. 
Be back soon hopefully.. :)
Toni.. xoxo

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