

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Lasting Memories 520 - Pumpkin Spice

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520 - Pumpkin Spice

Pumpkin Spice- Pumpkins, Pumpkins everywhere. You can find Pumpkin Spice in just about anything! So this week let's create a layout with a pumpkin on it and and some glitter somewhere to represent that spice!!


I will admit that as a DT I did struggle with this one.. In Australia, a minority join in the Halloween celebrations and we simply just don't do the pumpkin thing! 
So I was actually about to pass on this challenge and leave it up to my fellow DT members, but when I found these 2 pieces of very very old Graphic 45 papers hiding in my stash, I knew it would be perfect!! 

Although, I did chose to not use a photo on this layout, I have enough scraps leftover that I can make a second page for a double layout which I will be able to add photos to if I ever had the right one's.. 

This design was loads of fun and had plenty of "just wing it" as I went along.. lol
Layers and layers of black and white really make the orange and green POP!

For the spice element, I added some micro beads to either side of the center block and some glitter to the hanging pumpkins.. 

What do you think?

 Thank you very much for joining me today and I'm so excited to be able to share with you all the creations for the Lasting Memories Design Team! 
I really hope that you will drop by the blog and check out the inspiration from the rest of the team members and then get creative to link up your own entry.. So what do you reckon - if I can find something PUMPKINY in Australia, then so can you... lol

Thanks again, Toni.. xoxo

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