

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Lasting Memories 515 - Ying Yang

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515 - Blue & White + balanced 

In out trip around the world this week, we are focusing on a cool Asian custom in China... 
The Chinese are well known for their Feng Shui. So this week we would love to see a layout that is balanced! Using the colours of the Chinese calendar - White and Blue.

*The Chinese year of the White Metal Rat has a main element of Water and is the "yang" and represents the beginning of a new day. The Chinese year colour Blue is for Trust, Honesty, and Loyalty. It increases the Immune Protection. It encourages us to open up with enthusiasm towards everything in life and make things wonderful around us, while at the same time helps us live in harmony.*


Let's keep this one SWEET and SIMPLE.. 
Plenty of layers and balancing it out on either side.. 

These photos feature the daughter of my beautiful cousin.. After restrictions were lifted here in Queensland, I was able to head down to Gladstone for a weekend.. I was so lucky to have dinner with my cousin and her adorable little girl for a girls night... I loved it so much and can not express just how much I needed that time with them!!

I usually do "pretty" layouts when featuring this cheeky little lady, but thought the black and white photo captured some fun and thought I'd work great on this layout too.. 
I wanted to keep the blue soft and the embellishment elements minimal to capture the joy of the photos.. 

What do you think?

 Thank you very much for joining me today and I'm so excited to be able to share with you all the creations for the Lasting Memories Design Team! 
I really hope that you will drop by the blog and check out the inspiration from the rest of the team members and then get creative to link up your own entry..

Thanks again, Toni.. xoxo

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